I don't think there is anything better I could have possibly read online right now. Been seriously thinking recently that regardless of how much I may have improved, I'm still not where I want to be. I'm still not quite good enough. My work isn't quite how I want it to look. I'm not there yet. But bloody hell, am I going to persevere the absolute shit out of this because I want it so bad.
In other news I had a mini-meltdown the other day when I realized that I don't have my camera charger with me in Paris which means my technical babykins is down and out for 2 weeks until I'm back in England for the holidays. After a 2 minute window of panic-crying-angry-bitch behavior, I calmed down and realized that maybe this means I'll stop taking boring as hell photos of our apartment and my painted nails. So maybe it's a blessing in disguise and I'll appreciate my little darling a little more when he's rejuvenated come Feb 14th and fill him up with things of actual note, that might enhance my currently sad attempt at a career in photography.
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