Greens and vin.

Having the windows wide open, the wine flowing, the music on and some of the most delicious food to eat makes me a very very happy bunny. Mikey cooked chicken and asparagus salad with new potatoes. My new favourite meal ever. Mainly because you don't feel guilty after eating it but also because I've been harboring a quiet love affair with asparagus for a while now and seeing him pop up on my plate again was a very welcome surprise. And macarons for pudding is a speciality I wish I had the money to divulge in on a daily basis. ...And yes, that is another cute little card sent from no other than my wonderful mother. Beaut. Dinner-in-Paris---Katie-Leask-Photography-003-S






Thinking about having to move out of this beautiful space so soon is a thought I'm pushing to the very very very back on my brain for fear that I'll lock myself to the balcony and swallow the key. The only thing that might make me finally hand over the keys again, is the thought that Paris will always only ever been a few hours away.

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