A few images from my shoot with LBL Boutique a little while back. During these shoots, I always try to take a few more 'creative' pictures of my own that I can use for my personal portfolio, as well as photographing the clothes for ASOS and the brands website. I also have exciting news about a fashion show event coming up that I will post as soon as I know more about it!
In other news, last night I baked another coffee cake. Baking at my house is so much more stressful than baking at Mikey's. At his, everything has its own specific place, and the cupboard is arranged in boxes and tubs (the neat-freak in me rejoices!), whereas at mine it's a bit of a free-for-all and only if you're lucky will you make it through the whole recipe without having to go out and get something mum was so sure you already had. This time, it was eggs. I had to go out, in my pyjamas, and get eggs. Thanks mum.
The recipe for this coffee cake is here but this time I got funky, threw the boat out, and in a mad fit added chocolate chunks on top. Mental. AND, this time I managed to photograph the finished piece before my Dad got his mitts on it, smiles all round!