Valentine Smarties Bouquet

There are a lot of things I could have decided to make Mikey this Valentines Day. But this, well this is something else. May I proudly present to you THE SMARTIES BOUQUET. If there's one thing that really screams I LOVE YOU, it's 24 tubes of smarties cello-taped to cocktail sticks  and wrapped in tissue paper. I don't think it's possible to declare love any more than this. This is the pinnacle of love declaration.

I am very, very lucky to have the most loving, generous and downright bloody great boyfriend in the world who deserves nothing other than great big gestures of chocolate-smartie-bouquet-loving. After our early Valentine's dinner last night because we just simply couldn't wait (pictures soon, prepare to salivate!), our actual Vals day might be spent under a duvet with a takeaway and the huuuuge Red Velvet cake we baked yesterday. Best Valentine's ever? Yep.
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