Keep Calm & Go Geocaching

No but seriously. I know this sport* has got a pretty nerdy reputation and the term geocache evokes visions of men in camel coloured budgie smugglers and awkwardly long socks (for reference) squawking around a map and guffawing at Brendan's inability to calibrate a compass…but, much like shepherds pie sandwiches, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. Mikey and I had a solid time this weekend and I am finding it REALLY hard to be sorry about the fact that - brace yourself - I just bloody love a spot of geocaching.  
*F%ck you we’re calling this a sport, goddamnit. 

Right, bear with me on this bit as I try to explain the inner workings of mon état d’ésprit (yep that’s right - French degree and total waste of four years kicking ass right now). Okay, so since having a dog I seem to have developed this odd mentality where it feels strange going for a walk without her. Almost like going for a wander without her incessant lead pulling / pooing / peeing / barking at people on bikes, people in jeans, old people, people in cars, people in leather...feels like a wasted walk.

Geocaching makes aforementioned walk feel a little bit more robust and committed. Like you have this great sense of purpose because you're looking for a bit of plastic hidden in a tree and getting stupidly excited and competitive (read: bloodthirsty) about finding it first. (I can really tell I'm selling this to you right now so just try and hold yourself back from quitting the day job and going geocache extraordinaire full time). So if you've got a couple of hours spare this weekend; download the app, grab a friend and/or picnic and get your geocache on. You genuinely might enjoy it.

Little tip: if you find a 'geocache' that looks astonishingly like a dog poo bag tied to a tree, then it is probably a dog poo bag tied to a tree. Avoid. 

Have you ever been geocaching/would like to try it? Or is this your idea of a total snoozefest? (hey - we're all different, no judgement here). 

My photography portfolio can be found here.  
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